Friday, January 25, 2013

January 5

It is Saturday which is a horrible time to be in traffic in downtown Suva, but we went to the Flea Market any way. Kristin wanted bula shirts for Paul and Seth and sulu dresses for Ruth and Kelsey Ann. We found everything she wanted at a reasonable price. She even bought herself a sulu. I was hoping she would find a sulu chaba, but she said she would never wear it. We ate lunch at the Mango with the senior couples. They are the most wonderful people; so cute with Kristin and Paul.  I think that the Mango is going to be my new favorite restaurant.  Their vegetarian--mostly eggplant which is called aubergine in Fiji--lasagna is to die for.

Kristin and Paul came to the institute for movie night late--they are becoming Fijians already. Kristin was invited to play cranboard with some YSAs, loved playing and wants one for her home. Good luck with that!

Showed Scrooge with Albert Finney. Some of the YSAs really liked it and some not so much; interpret that as they hated it but are always to kind to say it. Me?  It is one of my top ten movies. "Such a great message" as Brandon Seila (Say law) said.

1 comment:

  1. LaNae! I love reading you and Scott's blog. You are so fun! You guys are spiritual giants! Hey, could you send me your address so that I can have it for the ward and stuff. If you could email it to me at
